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Polipo retal em mulher de 55 anos. Rectal polyp in a 55y/old woman .

Dr Celso Rubens Vieira e Silva y Dr Tulio Geraldo de Souza e Souza

Laboratório de Patologia
Hospital Aliança
Av. Juracy Magalhães 2096 Salvador
41920000 Bahia

Comentado en:
 Historia Clínica

Mulher de 55 anos, com pequeno(1 cm)polipo retal.
Female 55y/old with small(1 cm)rectal polyp.

Imagen de Polipo retal em mulher de 55 anos. Rectal polyp in a 55y/old woman .
HE.Pequenos aumentos
Imagen de Polipo retal em mulher de 55 anos. Rectal polyp in a 55y/old woman .
HE.100X.Insert 200X.
Imagen de Polipo retal em mulher de 55 anos. Rectal polyp in a 55y/old woman .
Imagen de Polipo retal em mulher de 55 anos. Rectal polyp in a 55y/old woman .
Imagen de Polipo retal em mulher de 55 anos. Rectal polyp in a 55y/old woman .

HE.200X e 400X.


El 27/9/2004 8:12, Bayardo Flores dijo:

Serrated adenoma with tubular component (Microtubular Adenoma).




El 27/9/2004 17:38, GUSTAVO SALES BARBOSA dijo:

Diferenciação pilórica em um adenoma serrilhado



El 27/9/2004 22:50, Ricardo Drut dijo:

Adenoma "aserrado" (serrated adenoma)


El 28/9/2004 1:01, gloria patello dijo:

adenoma serreado com componente tubular do tipo microadenoma. sem malignidade,


El 28/9/2004 11:02, ezio pezzica dijo:

serrated adenoma


El 28/9/2004 15:52, ANDRES GUIDI dijo:

Creo que es un " adenoma serrado " .-

Saludos. lindas fotos.- Cordoba - Clinica Reina Fabiola .


El 28/9/2004 19:45, Clóvis Klock dijo:

Serrated Adenoma


Serrated Colorectal Polyps: An Update.

Pathology Case Reviews. 9(4):173-182, July/August 2004.

Batts, Kenneth P. MD


Traditionally, hyperplastic polyps of the colon and rectum have been recognized morphologically by the hallmarks of a serrated architecture and a lack of dysplasia and have been regarded as benign, nonneoplastic epithelial proliferations. Polyps with a serrated architecture but also epithelial dysplasia have been termed "serrated adenomas." Evidence from both morphologic and molecular perspectives has forced a reevaluation of traditional thought about the classification of colorectal polyps with a serrated architecture. Among polyps traditionally called hyperplastic polyps, there is evidence suggesting that a polyp termed "sessile serrated adenoma" by some could demonstrate preneoplastic risk by means of hypermethylation of tumor-suppressor genes. Furthermore, it appears that many polyps with admixed areas of hyperplastic and adenomatous polyps could represent dysplastic transition of the serrated component rather than collisions of unrelated polyps. There is also evidence that serrated polyps with dysplasia ("traditional serrated adenomas") could be more closely linked to other serrated polyps than usual adenomas. "Hyperplastic polyposis" syndromes tend to be associated with preneoplastic potential and are most commonly composed of multiple "sessile" serrated adenomas, but might not be a homogeneous group. In summary, serrated colorectal polyps are likely a more heterogeneous group than previously thought, contains at least some subsets that appear to have preneoplastic potential, and there is a link between serrated polyps and hypermethylation. Our understanding of this family of polyps is still evolving and questions remain about the natural history of these polyps, the ability of pathologists to accurately recognize the various forms of serrated colorectal polyps morphologically, and the optimal treatment and follow up for these polyps.


Clóvis Klock


El 29/9/2004 0:30, Luis Briones dijo:

Adenoma microtubular


El 29/9/2004 7:08, Celso Rubens Vieira e Silva dijo:


Caros amigos do FORO, neste caso de polipo retal, parece estar ocorrendo uma dificuldade com conceitos.

Polipo serrilhado(serrate polyps)não é a mesma coisa que adenoma serrilhado(serrate adenoma).

O primeiro(POLIPO), é lesão de difícil e confusa caracterização, não apresenta displasia, nem evidente potencial de malignidade.

O segundo(ADENOMA)por definição conceitual, tem displasia epitelial e eventual potencialidade de transformação em carcinoma.

Revejam o texto enviado pelo Caro confrade Clovis:

Serrated Adenoma


Serrated Colorectal Polyps: An Update.

Pathology Case Reviews. 9(4):173-182, July/August 2004.

Batts, Kenneth P. MD


Traditionally, hyperplastic polyps of the colon and rectum have been recognized morphologically by the hallmarks of a serrated architecture and a lack of dysplasia and have been regarded as benign, nonneoplastic epithelial proliferations.

Polyps with a serrated architecture but also epithelial dysplasia have been termed "serrated adenomas." Evidence from both morphologic and molecular perspectives has forced a reevaluation of traditional thought about the classification of colorectal polyps with a serrated architecture.

Among polyps traditionally called hyperplastic polyps, there is evidence suggesting that a polyp termed "sessile serrated adenoma" by some could demonstrate preneoplastic risk by means of hypermethylation of tumor-suppressor genes. Furthermore, it appears that many polyps with admixed areas of hyperplastic and adenomatous polyps could represent dysplastic transition of the serrated component rather than collisions of unrelated polyps.

There is also evidence that serrated polyps with dysplasia ("traditional serrated adenomas") could be more closely linked to other serrated polyps than usual adenomas. "Hyperplastic polyposis" syndromes tend to be associated with preneoplastic potential and are most commonly composed of multiple "sessile" serrated adenomas, but might not be a homogeneous group.

In summary, serrated colorectal polyps are likely a more heterogeneous group than previously thought, contains at least some subsets that appear to have preneoplastic potential (aqui os adenomas serrilhados), and there is a link between serrated polyps and hypermethylation.

Our understanding of this family of polyps is still evolving and questions remain about the natural history of these polyps, the ability of pathologists to accurately recognize the various forms of serrated colorectal polyps morphologically, and the optimal treatment and follow up for these polyps.


El 4/10/2004 7:48, Maria Laura Fibbi dijo:

Credo si tratti di un adenoma serrato

Maria Laura Fibbi

Hacer un comentario a este caso


 Comentario del Autor

Polipo benigno,hiperplásico, predominantemente papilar (ou viloso) com histoarquitetura que remete à do intestino delgado.

Não repete a morfologia dos polipos habituais, por conter diferenciação do epitélio em células enterocíticas absortivas, não secretoras, com borda em escova, semelhantes as do intestino delgado.

A peculiaridade mais evidente é a da alternância de revestimento absortivo, com mucossecretor, ocasionando curiosas áreas de "glândulas intraepiteliais". Ver, por favor, artigo em full-text, na sessão de bibliografia.
Benign papillar hyperplasic polyp with small bowel-like histology.
There are, non secretory enterocytic absortive differentiation, with brush border, small bowel-like to. There are alternation of secretory and absortive epithelium, that produce the curious pattern of "intraepithelial glands". See please the fulltext paper in bibliography.


Colorectal Polyps With Extensive Absorptive Enterocyte Differentiation
Histologically Distinct Variant of Hyperplastic Polyps
Yokoo H, Usman I, Wheaton S, Kampmeier PA.
Arch Pathol Lab Med. 1999 May;123(5):404-410.


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