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Retroperitoneal tumor mass in 63-years old man.

Giorgio Gherardi

Servizio di Anatomia e Istologia Patologica
Ospedale Fatebenefratelli e Oftalmico

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 Historia Clínica
Retroperitoneal tumor mass in 63-years old man. The tumor measures 12 cm in greatest diameter. On ultrasound examination it is peripherally well demarcated and appears to be located among the pancreas and the spleen with apparent compression of the body and tail of the pancreas. Its lower edge is close to the upper pole of the left kidney. A needle core biopsy is performed.
Imagen de Retroperitoneal tumor mass in 63-years old man.
Imagen de Retroperitoneal tumor mass in 63-years old man.
Imagen de Retroperitoneal tumor mass in 63-years old man.
Imagen de Retroperitoneal tumor mass in 63-years old man.
Imagen de Retroperitoneal tumor mass in 63-years old man.


El 23/1/2005 20:20, Eduardo Luevano Flores dijo:

Creo que la lesión corresponde a un adenoma microquístico del páncreas ("sugar tumor") tal vez una tinción de PAS con y sin diastasa corrobore la presencia de glucógeno citoplásmico


El 23/1/2005 20:53, Romualdo Correia Lins Filho dijo:

Caros amigos

Vejo numerosas cavidades pequenas contendo fluido proteináceo e separadas por estroma colagenoso hipocelular. As cavidades são revestidas por células cuboidais atenuadas com citoplasma eosinofílico claro. Não há mitoses e apenas raros núcleos exibem atipias de aspecto degenerativo. Na última imagem as células são mais altas e focalmete estratificadas.

Com essas características pensei em um ADENOMA SEROSO MICROCÍSTICO (cistoadenoma seroso microcístico ou rico em glicogênio). Essa hipótese poderá ser confirmada (ou afastada, caso os estudos resultem negativos) com a demonstração de glicogênio intracitoplasmático (PAS)e de positividade para EMA e citoqueratinas de baixo peso molecular.

Estaria mais confiante se a ultrassonografia tivesse revelado um tumoração localiada no pâncreas, e não entre o pâncreas e o baço, comprimindo corpo e cauda do pâncreas.

Abraços a todos

Romualdo Lins Filho





El 23/1/2005 21:13, Francisco Mota dijo:

Saludos a todos

El caso enviado es muy interesante. Se aprecia una lesión multiquistica, inmersa en un estroma hipocelular. Los quistes se encuentran tapizados por epitelio cúbico simple o aplanado, con ocasional atipia nuclear, pero sin actividad mitótica. El citoplasma es claro y el contenido de los quistes es de aspecto seroso. Seria interesante realizarle un PAS con y sin digestión para precisar si lo que hay en el citoplasma de las celulas es glucogeno. Pienso que la lesión pudiera corresponder a un cistadenoma microquistico.


El 24/1/2005 17:55, Julián José Ahijado González dijo:

La histología , la topografía lesional y la edad del paciente hacen pensar, con fundado criterio, que estamos ante un CISTADENOMA SEROSO MICROQUÍSTICO DE PÁNCREAS.

Este tumor de rara aparición es más frecuente en mujeres y puede asociarse a otras tumoraciones endocrinas de la glándula pancreática.

Un saludo a tod@s.


El 25/1/2005 8:51, DR. RAJASEKHAR A. dijo:

The case appears to be MICROCYSTIC CYSTADENOMA OF PANCREAS. The diagnostic features are many well formed small glands and cysts of varying sizes lined by cuboidal epithelium. They contain pale vacuolated cytoplasm and small round to oval nuclei. There is no significant pleomorphism, multilayering or mitotic activity.


El 25/1/2005 22:03, Juan María Loizaga dijo:

Mi diagnóstico es también de CISTOADENOMA SEROSO MICROQUÍSTICO. Las células que revisten los quisten suelen contener glucógeno por lo que una reacción de PAS, como método que tenemos más a mano aunque no sea específico, puede ser útil.


El 26/1/2005 1:07, Iván Gallegos Méndez. Chile. dijo:

Me parece cistoadnoma seroso microquístico del páncreas.



El 26/1/2005 13:31, Túlio Souza dijo:


The correlation of microscopic and CT findings make me think in a SEROUS MICROCYITIC ADENOMA OF THE PANCREAS. If I’m correct in my mind the cytoplasm of the cuboidal cells the revest the microcysts will be positive for PAS as well as CK 7, 8, 18, 19. CA 19-9 can be focally positive. They are negative for CEA, trypsin, chromagranin.

Túlio Souza


Salvador - Bahia - Brasil


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The microscopic picture in the needle biopsy was consistent with a serous microcystic adenoma (SMA) of the pancreas 1 2 3 and the pathological evaluation of the surgically resected tumor confirmed the diagnosis. Extensive sampling of the lesion revealed a multilocular cystic mass originating from the body and tail of the pancreas Figura_6 with no solid component. There was no cytologic atypia, mitotic activity, or necrosis. The cytoplasm of epithelial cells was rich in PAS-positive glycogen Figura_7 and lacked a mucin content. Immunohistochemically epithelial cells were reactive for EMA, cytokeratins 7 and 19, and unreactive for CEA Figura_7 , chromogranin A, synaptophysin, S100 protein, calretinin and CD10.
There are very few published reported cases of SMA which were investigated by needle biopsy the largest series including 11 cases 4. Proper correlation with radiologic information is a key in making a correct diagnosis, as in the current case. In fact, based on the multicystic appearance of the tumor at CT-scan the differential diagnoses included a mucinous cystic neoplasm, a multilocular cystic renal cell carcinoma, a pancreatic lymphangioma, and the malignant counterpart of SMA, i.e. serous cystoadenocarcinoma. Mucinous cystic neoplasms of the pancreas show a different cell morphology (columnar cells with basally located nuclei, a clear cytoplasm containing mucin) and immunohistochemical evidence of CEA positivity. A multilocular cystic clear cell renal carcinoma growing as an apparently extrarenal tumor seemed a valid alternative hypothesis since this tumor may share several microscopic features with SMA 5 : in renal cell carcinoma, however, there is more significant nuclear atypia, the stromal septa contain at least focally collections of clear cells and, most importantly, tumor cells do not express CK7 and stain positively for CD10. The cuboidal morphology of cells and their immunohistochemical profile helped exclude a pancreatic lymphangioma. Finally, the serous cystoadenocarcinoma seemed to be a remote possibility due to the lack of any significant atypia or epithelial stratification.
Imagen de Retroperitoneal tumor mass in 63-years old man.
Imagen de Retroperitoneal tumor mass in 63-years old man.
1 Solcia E, Capella C, Kloppel G. Tumors of the Exocrine Pancreas. In: Rosai J, ed. Tumors of the Pancreas. Washington, DC: Armed Forces Institute of Pathology; 1997:31–41. Atlas of Tumor Pathology; 3rd series, fascicle 20.

2 Yasuhara Y, Sakaida N, Uemura Y, Senzaki H, Shikata N, Tsubura A.
Serous microcystic adenoma (glycogen-rich cystadenoma) of the pancreas: study of 11 cases showing clinicopathological and immunohistochemical correlations. Pathol Int 2002;52:307–312.

3 Chen F, Frankel WL, Wen P Pathologic quiz case: a multicystic mass of the pancreatic body in a 70-year-old man. Serous microcystic adenoma of the pancreas. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2004 Jun;128(6):e83-5.

4 Lal A, Bourtsos EP, DeFrias DV, Nemcek AA, Nayar R Microcystic adenoma of the pancreas: clinical, radiologic, and cytologic features. Cancer. 2004 oct 25;102(5):288-94.

5 Eble JN, Bonsib SM . Extensively cystic renal neoplasms: cystic nephroma, cystic partially differentiated nephroblastoma, multilocular cystic renal cell carcinoma, and cystic hamartoma of renal pelvis. Semin Diagn Pathol 1998, 15(1):2-20,

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